You, My Friend, Are Worthy

by tkogut on October 21, 2015

You, My Friend, Are Worthy


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Angelic Vision, ©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved


A thought occurred to me this morning which inspired me to write this post in order to clarify my intentions. As you know, the content on my blogs, Twitter, Instagram & Facebook are inspirational, motivational words of encouragement. Essentially, I am cheering you on as you go after your dreams. Inspiring you to live a creative life. Offering advice and tips on how to achieve goals.

It’s not that who you are isn’t good enough. My intent is NEVER to make you feel bad about who you are or where you are at this time in your life. You are worthy no matter what struggles you’ve overcome, what struggles you are going through now, or what struggles may lie ahead. You are worthy of respect. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of happiness.


Love you for who you are today whether you are satisfied with your life or you want to make some changes. The desire to make positive changes in your life doesn’t mean you don’t love who you are today. It simply means you are aware that you are capable and worthy of more.

I once heard someone say, “People are never content with their life. They are always striving to be someone or something more.”

Well….that’s true to a point. I, for example, love my life. I am happy and peaceful. However, are there positive changes I could make in order to create a better life for me and my family? Yes. Do I have goals in place in order to accomplish this? Yes. The important thing is that I love who I am today, I just know there’s more in store for me out there and I need to work towards making it my reality.

Life is a journey. It’s always moving forward. You will change whether you’re trying to or not, so why not guide yourself in the direction you want to go rather than just letting life happen to you.

We are not defined by our past. We have the choice to change our lives. Who we are today is temporary, is it not? We are constantly changing, evolving and growing because our world is constantly changing, evolving and growing.

Think of it this way….a seed is planted. The seed sprouts and grows into a beautiful plant. The plant continues to grow. When the plant stops growing, what happens? It starts dying. In nature, if something isn’t growing, it’s dying.

Make an effort to grow every day. What does that mean? Set obtainable goals with a deadline and create a strategic plan to achieve them. Read, read, read and learn. Grow your relationships by calling an old friend or make a point to spend more time with your spouse. Make a commitment to give up a bad habit. There’s many more ways to grow…just remember you are worthy every step of the way.

So, I will continue posting inspirational, motivational words of encouragement….and now you know my intention 🙂

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Go here for a list of motivational and inspirational books that have had an impact on my life.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Kathy Callahan October 21, 2015 at 10:04 pm

Love your blogs


cyndy October 21, 2015 at 11:07 pm

So very true Teresa. Even when we are perfectly happy, we can always grow and always be better. that is truly what it is all about!


LaNelle October 23, 2015 at 12:17 pm

Fantastic! Thank You…I loved reading this. Many blessings to you….


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