Now Open!

by tkogut on May 29, 2015

4040-Let Freedom Ring

Now Open!

After much consideration, I’ve decided to make Gather, Dream, Create (GDC) an open site – no membership necessary! Don’t worry, all you wonderful members, anyone who is a member as of today, will get all current and new workshops and tutorials FREE through 2015! Thank you for putting your trust in GDC by giving it a try. I so appreciate you!

My decision to make GDC an open site became clear, when I realized I can’t possibly keep up at the pace I had been going over the past couple of years. You may or may not know that my licensing agent and I parted ways over a year ago and I now self-represent my art. I wasn’t prepared for the amount of time it would take to keep up with art submissions, paperwork and phone calls that my agent use to handle for me. Also, my pattern business has grown leaps and bounds this year! Keeping up with orders has been a challenge as well. Feeling so blessed.

At one point, I had considered closing GDC altogether but I just couldn’t. It’s a part of me. I really put my heart and soul into designing this site and I truly love meeting and interviewing artists, visiting primitive shops, searching for artists online to feature and making workshops & tutorials to share with you. (Pssst! I secretly LOVE, LOVE, LOVE editing videos). Not to mention, it is my life-long dream to inspire and encourage creativity. If one person is touched by something on this site and it inspires them to start painting or sculpting or to make punchneedle, hooked rugs or pottery, then my goal has been met. EVERYONE has imagination and creativity, we just need to nurture it, water it and bring it to life.

However, because of my busy schedule, I wasn’t uploading as much content as I had originally planned which wasn’t fair to the members. Now that it’s open to the public, the pressure is off to upload a certain number of interviews, store visits, etc per year. It allows me much more freedom and for that I’m grateful. Also by being open to the public, more people will be able to enjoy the interviews, videos etc. It’s a win-win!

Now that the site is open to the public, the workshops and tutorials will be offered at a very reasonable rate. It’s a one-time fee and you will have access to the content as long as you wish. I love doing it this way because not everyone wants to learn the same thing.  You can pick and choose….and we all love choices.

Again, thank you to all the members!! Your faith in me is humbling.

And welcome to everyone!

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