Product Review: Proportion Scale

by tkogut on November 16, 2016

Product Review: Proportion Scale

Have you ever needed to enlarge an image and guessed at it? Then crumpled the copy up into a ball and threw it away because it wasn’t the right size?……and you repeat this over and over until you’re ready to scream???

Well, no more!! The proportion scale is hear to help! It’s an inexpensive, easy and invaluable tool that I have in my arsenal of art supplies. I keep it near my copy machine so it’s handy and within a minute or two, I have a perfectly sized enlargement for my project.

In the video, I’ll show you exactly how easy it is to use! Get yours today at Dick Blick by clicking the image below.
Westcott C-Thru Proportional ScaleLet me know if this was helpful to you!



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